Raised in Chicago, Illinois, Carolyn is the seventh of fourteen siblings. As a teen, she developed a love of seeing the potential in others and encouraging them to reach greater heights. Mrs. Chambers left Chicago in 1970 to attend the University of Wisconsin in Eau Claire, Wisconsin. There, she studied psychology and philosophy. After obtaining her degree, she then attended the University of Arizona in Tucson, Arizona, earning a Master’s Degree in Rehabilitation-Vocational Evaluation.
Mrs. Chambers worked as a Christian psychotherapist for over twenty years. One day, feeling overwhelmed by God’s goodness, she asked God, “What can I do for you?” He answered so softly, “Feed my sheep.” Mrs. Chambers used various venues to accomplish this vision including: parenting training and teaching; with the Holy Spirit giving her a charge for each assignment. For parenting training, He told her to teach them to love their children. As a teacher, He told her to first put heaven by their side.
Empowered by the Holy Spirit, Mrs. Chambers began her study of anointing numbers in 1988. Her groundbreaking book Discovering Your Anointing Numbers: Allow Me to Introduce You to Yourself, is the culmination of her efforts to complete God's assignment. Other works include: The Anointed Life, Crucifying the Flesh; The Lord’s Prayer –Revisited, all of which outline principles for applying change. She and her husband, Keith, have also developed Anointing Profiles that yield personalized commentaries based on birth demographics. Mrs. Chambers has been married to Keith since 1987, and they now reside in Phoenix, Arizona, with their two sons: Nehemiah and Zacharias. They are members of Pilgrim Rest Baptist Church. She is a licensed minister and member of Faith Ministerial Alliance.
As a minister and counselor, Mrs. Chambers offers faith-based counseling services for individuals, couples, and families in various areas including, but not limited to:
conflict resolution, daily life challenges, gief and loss, marriage/ pre-marital, spiritual guidance.
Counseling, coaching, and therapy is a way to sort it all out and put the real issues into perspective. Mrs. Chambers offers therapeutic interventions to help others discover themselves and see themselves in the positive, divine way that God sees them. Through Mrs. Chambers' interventions, clients gain a working knowledge of the subtle enemies working against them and learn faith-based, practical strategies for staying balanced, despite the complicated situations life can bring.